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without this fantastic flight I couldn't stay displeased with you for long.
 I'm glad. You know, you're a good passenger.
Hope hesitated but then asked anyway.  Have 151
Faith V. Smith
you carried many people this way?
 Only one other, my love. I brought Zacke back to his house from Johnson Square the night he almost
Hope for the life of her couldn't think of anything to say. Instead she kissed his cheek. The rest of their
flight was silent. They landed under a copse of trees near their hosts' front door. Miles' arms held her steady as
Hope regained her land legs. She looked up to thank him and her breath lodged in her throat.
Strong, invincible, macho Miles' eyes glittered with blood red tears.  Miles, are you okay?
Immediately his features changed. His lips slanted up into a slight smile. He blinked once, and she
wondered if she'd imagined the previous droplets.
 I'm better than I've been in centuries. You've shown me through your eyes what I've lost sight of
that the night can be a joy and not just a prison.
His lips trapped hers in a gentle kiss.
 Okay you two break it up. It's time for dinner.
Miranda's words caused them to pull apart, but Hope welcomed the warmth of his grip on her hand. He
gave a smiling Miranda a kiss on the cheek and then greeted the man who she knew meant the world to him,
with a traditional male slap on the back.
Thanksgiving dinner at the Kensingtons' was a joyful and hilarious affair. Miranda shooed her and Miles
to a chair and admonished Hope not to move
she was a guest. Hawk arrived just moments after she and Miles. He entertained Zacke and Miranda's
offspring by making faces out of an assortment of raw veggies while Zacke finished carving the turkey. Silence
fell when Zacke said grace and then 152
Dunbar's Curse
chaos broke out. The twins clamored for pieces of the succulent bird and fought over who would get the
first piece of cake. The din grew louder until Zacke raised his voice.
 Braden, Brier, silence.
Calm settled as the twins sat back down and both looked at their beleaguered dad.  Yes, Daddy,
they chorused.
Brierana, an adorable mixture of both her parents with Miranda's auburn hair and Zacke's darker blue
eyes, sent a mischievous look at Zacke and then did the unbelievable. She raised a dainty hand, extended her
forefinger, and slowly twirled it in a circle. A small glob of cake icing floated across the table into Brier's open
mouth. The child's mouth wasn't the only one open at the table. Braden's tremulous lips erupted in a wail.
Miranda stood to her feet and looked at Zacke.
 You said this wouldn't happen. Do something.
Zacke dropped the carving knife he still held onto the tabletop. His eyes were wide with shock, and his
gaze also held desperation.  I didn't say it wouldn't. I said it wasn't probable.
Hawk looked askance and then his shoulders shook with laughter.
Hope elbowed an equally amused Miles in the ribs. Brier who had swallowed her ill-gotten treat, now
had tears in her eyes threatening to overflow at any moment.
 I'm thinking, Miranda. Zacke moved around the table and stopped first at Braden's chair. He placed a
hand on the child's shoulder.  It's okay. You can have some cake too.
Braden's frantic howl shut off like a water faucet.
Zacke approached his tiny daughter and knelt by her side.
Faith V. Smith
 Brier, sweetie, no one's mad at you. He shot Miranda a look that screamed help.
 Your daddy's right, honey, we're not mad. You just gave mommy and daddy a shock.
 That's right, but we're over it now, Brierkins. Now, why don't you tell us when you started making things
like icing come to you?
Brier blinked back tiny droplets of liquid. She turned her adorable face up to Zacke's.  I only could do it
tonight. I've been watching Uncle Miles. He makes me laugh when my ball bounces by itself.
Miles groaned.  Little bit, that was supposed to be our secret.
 I'm sorry Uncle Miles. But, I didn't tell them about the tree.
Now the soup was in the fire. Miles squirmed in his chair against the combined incensed looks of Brier's
parents. He didn't dare look at Hope. The woman had already tried to take out his ribcage, he wasn't giving her
another chance to jab his body parts.
 It really wasn't that big of a deal. Your neighbor's cat got caught in one of the trees in your backyard.
Brier started to cry, and I sorta let her help me get the cat down.
 The kitty's name is Snowball, Uncle Miles.
 Right, Snowball.
 And I wasn't a bit scared when Uncle helped me fly to the top of the tree.
 Miles how could you? Miranda's indignant tone stabbed his heart. He really shouldn't have done it but
he hated to see Brier cry.
 I didn't plan to do it, Miranda but you know it's partly your and Zacke's fault.
 And how did you arrive at that conclusion? And how did you help her? Zacke's question carried a
lethal note and much to Miles' relief just a scrap of amusement.
Dunbar's Curse
 I just used thought transference, it wasn't dangerous. And to your first question, she's the best of both
you, and I just couldn't say no.
Laughter cloaked the dining room diffusing what could have been a tenuous situation for Miles. Tiny
giggles helped to melt away any residual tension.
Zacke placed a kiss on his daughter's nose.  All right, you're off the hook for now, miss, but we will have
to talk about what happened.
 We most certainly will, young lady.
 Yes ma'am, Mommy.
Zacke and Miranda resumed their seats, food floated around the table in a mortal way, and when
everyone had full plates, Miles chanced a look at Hope.
His beautiful bride-to-be flashed him an impish smile, raised one sooty brow, and then leaned over to
whisper in his ear.  You can drop the I'm sorry act. I'm not certain Zacke or Miranda bought it. I know I didn't.
 You didn't?
 Nope. The only thing you're repentant of is getting caught.
Miles bit Hope's earlobe before replying.  You're right. The next trick I teach her will be when to know
how to avoid getting her Uncle Miles in trouble.
Hope giggled and the sound was like an angel's chorus to Miles. He wasn't sure how she would take
Brier's magical debut. He'd wondered if the very real possibility that any future offspring they might have could
in fact be another Brier, might make Hope reconsider their marriage.
 So, I guess that you're okay with the odds that one day we might have a child with immortal talent?
 I'm more than okay with it. The thought of 155
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having a miniature you& would make me the happiest woman in the world.
Miles dabbed a linen napkin against his burning eyes. He didn't deserve the woman sitting at his side,
but he'd fight every day of a century of lifetimes to keep his precious gift. ****
Guy ripped the cream color vellum in half, placed the jagged pieces in the kitchen sink, and struck a
match. He watched in glee as the paper writhed with flames. Hope's gall in sending him an invitation to her
wedding would not go unanswered. She'd ruined his plans, and he would get even. Miles Dunbar would be left
at the altar; his bride-to-be would be missing in action and dead. 156
Dunbar's Curse
Chapter Thirteen
Hope tossed her briefcase on the kitchen table and then collapsed into a chair. She'd thought she'd
become used to the brutal aspects of her chosen career, but human nature had definitely taken a turn for the
worse today.
She toed her sneakers off, the only form of sensible footwear in her opinion, and propped her elbows on
the table. Her head gravitated downward and found an anchor between her palms. Why did people commit the
atrocities they did in the name of love, lust, and greed? She'd never been able to figure that out and never
would. Her mind blurred with images of blood and pain. The first victim had been rolled into triage right after
Hope came on duty a young girl who'd been brutally beaten and sexually assaulted by a family member. The [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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