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n apparent reaction order for monomer
s effective hard sphere diameter of a
loss; from m(t) at a single c0 value
protein monomer
c0 initial protein concentration
K2,tr equilibrium constant for dimerization
kobs observed rate coefficient for monomer
of hard spheres; accounting for transla-
loss, based on m(t)
tional or communal entropy contribu-
F folded or native monomer conforma-
tions to K2 or K2
tional state
bðaÞ dimensionless or rescaled osmotic virial
U unfolded or partially unfolded, aggre-
coefficient; defined by Eq. (16).
gation-prone monomer conformational
jZpj absolute value of the net charge on the
surface of a protein monomer.
T temperature
Tref lowest temperature at which experi-
Ui reversible oligomer composed of i mono-
mental kobs values are available for
mers of U
extrapolation to lower temperatures;
Ux reversible prenucleus, composed of x
serves as a reference point temperature
monomers of U
in using Eqs. (19) and (20).
Aj irreversible aggregate composed of Ea,eff effective activation energy for tempera-
j monomers ture extrapolations of kobs; includes
Ax nucleus or smallest irreversible aggre- contributions from multiple stages of
gate; composed of x monomers. aggregation in some cases (cf. Tab. 5)
DG0 standard Gibbs free energy of unfolding G prefactor in Eq. (20); cf. Table 5
ku rate coefficient for unfolding
x number of monomers in a nucleus; must
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